Economy & Business

US Wind-Turbine Makers File Complaint Over China’s Steel Subsidies

"WASHINGTON -- Four domestic companies that make most of the steel towers for wind turbines in the United States filed a trade complaint against China and Vietnam on Thursday, seeking tariffs in the range of 60 percent. The action is a significant new skirmish in an emerging green energy trade war.

Source: NY Times, 12/30/2011

"Oil Plunges on Strong Dollar, Profit Taking"

Despite Iran's threat to close the Strait of Hormuz, some global oil prices fell. It turns out Iran's influence on the international oil market may be weak, and its threats more an effort to head off international sanctions that will harm its own weakened petroleum economy. Shipping lanes are just one of many major strategic factors affecting the global oil market. Iran has, however, offered spurious ammunition to U.S. politicians crowing for US acts of war against it. Right now, the news media are taking Iran's threats more seriously than the oil market is.

Source: AFP, 12/29/2011
March 28, 2012 to March 30, 2012

Save the Planet International Eco Forum in Bulgaria

The Save the Planet conference is a communication platform for professionals from South-East Europe involved in the environment, waste management and recycling spheres. The 2012 program will include sessions and discussions on industry challenges and technical developments. Attendees will be able to see the latest products and solutions showcased at the parallel exhibition.


"40% Of State Drilling Regulators Have Industry Ties"

"Robert Finne was talking with a friend about the Arkansas Oil and Gas Commission earlier this year when they both started wondering, 'Who are these people?' So they wrote to the commission and asked. Finne, a critic of gas drilling in the Fayetteville Shale, was surprised to learn that most of the commissioners owned oil and gas drilling companies. 'I knew the cards were stacked against us, but I had no idea how badly,' Finne said."

Mike Soraghan reports for Greenwire December 19, 2011.

Source: Greenwire, 12/20/2011
May 31, 2024

DEADLINE: Korea-U.S. Journalists Exchange

The East-West Center’s 2024 Exchange takes place Sep 19-28 with the theme “Balancing US-Korea Relations in an Election Year.” Open to US and Korean print, broadcast, and online journalists with a minimum of five years of experience. Apply by May 31.



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