Economy & Business

"Duke Energy Asks S.C. Customers To Pay Cleanup Costs For Coal Ash"

"Duke Energy is asking for the first $1.5 million installment on what to date is a $500 million coal-ash cleanup bill as part of Duke Energy Progress’ proposed 14.5 percent rate increase in South Carolina."

Source: Charlotte Business Journal, 08/12/2016

"Electric Vehicles: How Car Charging Is Going The Way Of Airbnb "

"PALO ALTO, Calif. -- Tim Thomson needed a charge, quickly. With his all-electric Nissan Leaf fast losing battery power and no places to plug in along the highway from Fresno, Calif., to San Francisco, Thompson turned to his iPhone. He pulled up an application called PlugShare that maps charging stations for electric vehicle drivers. A resident in nearby Madera had advertised his home charging station, so Thomson called in a panic."

Source: Greenwire, 08/04/2016

House GOPers in Standoff with State AGs Over Exxon Climate Probe Docs

Transparency is at the core of an escalating confrontation between House Republicans and some state Attorney Generals over Exxon's support for climate change denial. The AGs in July defied a subpoena from the House Science Committee, chaired by Lamar Smith (R-TX, pictured).

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