
Things related to the web of life; ecology; wildlife; endangered species

Diving Deeper on the Wetlands Beat Yields Groundbreaking Coverage

Two journalists covering water policy used a wide range of reporting techniques, from FOIA appeals to on-the-ground reporting, to get at the heart of how problems with wetlands and waterways in the United States are tied to climate change concerns. Inside Story spoke with Hannah Northey and Kevin Bogardus of E&E News about their award-winning beat reporting.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Climate Change Is Fueling More Conflict Between Humans And Wildlife"

"Wildfires pushing tigers towards Sumatran villages. Drought prodding elephants into African cropland. Hotter ocean temperatures forcing whales into shipping lanes. Humans and wildlife have long struggled to harmoniously coexist. Climate change is pitting both against each other more often, new research finds, amplifying conflicts over habitat and resources."

Source: NPR, 03/03/2023

"Study: Online Trade In Arachnids Threatens Some Species With Extinction"

"A recent study reveals a vast and unregulated global trade in invertebrates, posing a risk of overexploitation of some species in the wild. ...  Africa is prominent in this trade as both a source and transit hub for tarantulas and scorpions."

Source: Mongabay, 03/02/2023

"Advocates Seek To Boost Clean Energy Program In Latest Farm Bill Renewal"

"The Inflation Reduction Act offered bigger grants under a rural clean energy program. Now, advocates want Congress to bring the rest of the program in line with those ambitions as part of the latest Farm Bill reauthorization."

Source: Energy News Network, 03/02/2023

Sapsucker Housing Crisis: Endangered Woodpecker ‘Condos’ Being Clear Cut

"Almost two decades after the Williamson’s sapsucker was listed as endangered under Canada’s Species at Risk Act, the B.C. government continues to sanction logging in the bird’s old-growth forest critical habitat".

Source: The Narwhal, 03/01/2023

"As Fatal Fungus Takes Its Toll, Can We Save Frog Species on the Brink?"

"The deadly chytrid fungus has wiped out as many as 90 species of amphibians. Now researchers from Australia to California are exploring a host of ways to save threatened frog populations — from relocation to safer habitats to reintroducing frogs treated with a sort of vaccine."

Source: YaleE360, 02/27/2023

"Federal Agency Proposes California Spotted Owl Protection"

"Federal wildlife officials on Wednesday announced a proposal to classify one of two dwindling California spotted owl populations as endangered after a lawsuit by conservation groups required the government to reassess a Trump administration decision not to protect the brown and white birds."

Source: AP, 02/24/2023


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