
"Quinoa: Good, Evil, Or Just Really Complicated?"

"'Can vegans stomach the unpalatable truth about quinoa?,' thunders the headline of a recent Guardian piece. Hard to say, but reality check: It isn't just vegans who enjoy quinoa. Like many occasional meat eaters I know, I've been eating it for years. Quinoa is also big among gluten-intolerant omnivores. So quinoa's truth—unpalatable or not—isn't just for its vegan fans to bear."

Source: Mother Jones, 01/28/2013

"First Global Assessment of Land and Water 'Grabbing'"

"As world food and energy demands grow, nations and some corporations increasingly are looking to acquire quality agricultural land for food production. Some nations are gaining land by buying up property -- and accompanying water resources -- in other, generally less wealthy countries."

Source: Science Daily/U.Va., 01/23/2013

"Farm Bill Extension Evidence Of Ag Sector's Lost Political Clout"

"WASHINGTON -- A patchwork extension of federal farm programs passed as part of a larger 'fiscal cliff' bill keeps the price of milk from rising but doesn't include many of the goodies that farm-state lawmakers are used to getting for their rural districts."

Source: AP, 01/04/2013

"Passengers on India's 'Cancer Train' Share Stories of Pain and Hope"

"Every night, hundreds of cancer patients from the farming region of southern Punjab huddle together with their families in an overnight train journey to the nearest cancer hospital, 220 miles away. ... The patients travel from the fertile farming areas of the northern state of Punjab, a region that reports an alarmingly high use of pesticides."

Source: Wash Post, 01/03/2013


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