
All forms of advocacy, esp. environmental groups.

Corps Says Pipeline Construction Can't Continue Without Tribe Input

"The Army Corps of Engineers dealt a blow to the progress of the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline on Monday, saying in a letter that more analysis and discussion with the Standing Rock Sioux tribe is needed before construction can take place under the Missouri River."

Source: NBC News, 11/15/2016

Enviros Backing Standing Rock Protesters Target Bankers Behind Pipeline

"In early August, just as protesters from across the country descended on North Dakota to rally against an oil pipeline near the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation, some of the world’s biggest banks signed off on a $2.5 billion loan to help complete the sprawling project. Now, those banks — which include Citigroup and Wells Fargo of the United States, TD Bank of Canada and Mizuho of Japan — have come under fire for their role in bankrolling the pipeline."

Source: NY Times, 11/08/2016

Exxon Tells Groups To Preserve Records Of Communications With Press

"Lawyers for ExxonMobil have told a variety of non-governmental organizations to preserve all communications regarding climate change investigations with a sweeping array of other groups and individuals — including members of the press."

Source: Wash Post, 11/04/2016

"In The Nevada Desert, Bundy Family Warns Of Another Standoff"

"BUNKERVILLE, Nev. — Less than a week after being acquitted at a trial over last winter’s armed occupation of an Oregon federal wildlife refuge, Nevada rancher Ryan Bundy said another protest action will be justified if President Obama goes ahead with plans to create a huge national monument abutting the Bundy family’s ranch here."

Source: Wash Post, 11/02/2016


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