
All forms of advocacy, esp. environmental groups.

"Hundreds Arrested Protesting Keystone XL Oil Pipeline"

"Protesters hope to persuade President Obama not to approve the controversial Keystone XL oil pipeline that would run from Canada to Texas. But the State Department already says its safe, and supporters point to thousands of new jobs."

Source: Christian Science Monitor, 09/05/2011

"Galileo Movement Fuels Australia Climate Divide"

"Two Australian retirees invoke the 'father of modern science' in their fight against the hegemony of settled climate science. But their arguments - and the advisors supporting them - draw from a deep history of climate science denial and distortion."

Douglas Fischer reports for The Daily Climate August 16, 2011.

Source: Daily Climate, 08/16/2011

Enviros Call On Super Committee To Ax Energy Subsidies And Tax Breaks

"As the congressional leaders decide on members for the new bipartisan debt-reduction super committee, green advocacy groups are already on the offensive, calling on the committee to cut billions of dollars in tax breaks and energy subsidies for the oil and gas industry."

Source: Huffington Post, 08/11/2011
April 29, 2013 to April 30, 2013

Slow Money 4th National Gathering

This event features dozens of food entrepreneurs who are leading the way rebuilding local food systems around the country, along with many renowned thought leaders in agriculture, investing and philanthropy. Early bird rates available.



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