"Hacked Climate Emails: Police Seize Computers at West Yorkshire Home"

"Police officers investigating the theft of thousands of private emails between climate scientists from a University of East Anglia server in 2009 have seized computer equipment belonging to a web content editor based at the University of Leeds.

On Wednesday, detectives from Norfolk Constabulary entered the home of Roger Tattersall, who writes a climate sceptic blog under the pseudonym TallBloke, and took away two laptops and a broadband router. A police spokeswoman confirmed on Thursday that Norfolk Constabulary had 'executed a search warrant in West Yorkshire and seized computers'. She added: 'No one was arrested. Investigations into the [UEA] data breach and publication [online of emails] continues. This is one line of enquiry in a Norfolk constabulary investigation which started in 2009.'

Tattersall posted his own account of the police search on his blog: 'An Englishman's home is his castle they say. Not when six detectives from the Metropolitan police, the Norfolk constabulary and the computer crime division arrive on your doorstep with a warrant to search it though … They ended up settling for two laptops and an ADSL broadband router … I got the feeling something was on the go last night when WordPress [the internet host for his blog] forwarded a notice from the US Department of Justice.'"

Leo Hickman reports for the Guardian December 15, 2011.


"Climate Change Email Hacking To Be Looked Into By University of East Anglia" (Guardian)

"Police Seize Computers in Connection With Climategate Hacking" (Grist)

"More Climategate Patter" (Green/NYT)

"Are Police About to Bust "Climategate" Perps?" (Mother Jones)

Source: Guardian, 12/16/2011