
Need Climate Questions? We’ve Got Climate Questions.

Climate change may have made an unexpected appearance at the raucous 2020 presidential debate last night, but it's equally important to quiz state and local candidates on the topic too. The latest TipSheet offers environment and energy journalists a list of 10 key climate change questions to ask in reporting elections in your coverage area.

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LNG Transport Proposal Flags Worries Over Rail Hazmat

A Trump administration push to allow trains to carry liquified natural gas raises larger concerns about allowing hazardous materials to be carried around the United States by rail, per the latest TipSheet. Get the latest on the LNG transport plan, along with the backstory about the risks of numerous other rail hazmat, plus story ideas and reporting resources.

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Disaster Aid Sometimes Helps Fund the Next Disaster

As hurricane season gets into full swing, a perpetual paradox reemerges — does disaster aid  help or harm? Government financial assistance in a disaster’s wake may seem a boon, but could it just encourage communities to repeat the mistakes of the past? The latest TipSheet explores the question and provides context, reporting resources and story ideas.

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Why Shelter From the (Coronavirus) Storm Isn’t Always Safe

Emergency evacuations are hard to plan under normal circumstances. Now the coronavirus pandemic makes them even more complicated and risky. With the summer disaster season upon us, the latest TipSheet explores how environmental journalists can report on emergency planning under COVID-19, with suggested questions to help you dig up stories.

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Altered Office Environments Will Likely Greet Workers Returning From Quarantine

The indoor air in offices was already a potential health risk even before COVID-19. But now amid the pandemic coronavirus, not to mention other ever-present biological threats, indoor environmental hazards make it more likely than ever that offices will look and function differently in coming days. TipSheet takes a look and offers more than a dozen story ideas and resources.

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Pandemic Pushes Bikes Into New Popularity. Will It Last?

Commuters seeking social distancing want them. City dwellers drawn to nearly car-free streets want them too. But the boom in bikes long pre-dates the COVID-19 outbreak, and their eco-friendly reputation offers environment reporters numerous smart local story angles, per the latest TipSheet. Get context, plus numerous story ideas and resources.

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Parks Post-Coronavirus Reopening a Political Football?

As the United States restarts fitfully following the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, one source of controversy — and of numerous local or regional environmental stories — is what to do at the nation’s park system. The latest TipSheet explains why public access to these national treasures is so contentious, then provides numerous story ideas and reporting resources.

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Could Combined Sewer Overflows Be a COVID-19 Threat?

For reporters investigating the coronavirus-environment connection, you might look to the untreated sewage that can sometimes overflow municipal systems during wet weather, possibly bringing the novel pathogen to beaches and other places where people can get sick from it. The latest TipSheet takes a look at the reality, plus provides story ideas and reporter resources.

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Ignoring COVID-19 Link, EPA Leaves Lax Soot Standard in Place

As researchers are finding that soot and other forms of fine particulates in the air may actually make people more vulnerable to the coronavirus, the EPA decided earlier this month against tightening related standards under the Clean Air Act. The latest TipSheet explains why the decision matters, provides deeper context and offers story ideas and resources.

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Climate, Environment Stories Abound in COVID-19 Rescue Bill

While the COVID-19 outbreak may be absorbing most of the world’s attention, the latest TipSheet advises journalists not to back-burner climate-related energy reporting, as industries and activists continue lobbying for new energy stimulus measures from Congress. On the watch list: tax breaks, airline emission cuts, infrastructure, fossil fuel industry bailouts and more. 

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