
EPA Budget Cuts Threaten a Program Near You

As the Trump administration proposes big cuts at environmental agencies like the U.S. EPA, the latest TipSheet explores how to dig up local angles from the budget action. Examples: Tracking changes at EPA regional offices and labs, at Superfund or at state revolving funds for clean water and safe drinking water programs.

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Draining a Different Kind of Swamp

As the Trump administration last week began its rollback of the Clean Water Rule, reporters are likely to see many more stories about wetlands permitting — especially on the local level. The latest TipSheet walks you through the Section 404 permitting maze and helps you find out what's happening in your locale and state.

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Under Pruitt, Watch Enforcement Data

As questions arise about how thoroughly the U.S. EPA's new administrator Scott Pruitt (left) will enforce environmental regulations, reporters can get at the story through EPA’s own exhaustive enforcement database. TipSheet provides a step-by-step on how to use data resources to follow trends and find bad actors. 

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Topics on the Beat: 

Oroville Crisis Points to Dam Stories in Many States

California's Oroville Dam has been in the news this month, as it threatened to fail, flooding nearby communities. But worsening dam safety is a national story with local angles throughout the United States. TipSheet runs down the risks and the resources, plus offers upcoming news hooks for dam stories in your community.

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Rogue Twitter Brings Government Leaks to Masses

Dozens of renegade government Twitter accounts have sprung up, with claims they're run anonymously by employees of various agencies whose missions appear threatened by the Trump administration. TipSheet has the story, plus a list of more than 40 accounts of interest to environmental reporters. 

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Will 'Drill, Baby, Drill' Be Watchword in Trump Era?

Conflict is brewing over the leasing of oil and gas drilling rights on millions of acres of federal land, now that the pro-oil-and-gas GOP controls Congress and the White House. And one especially big battle to come? The one over opening for drilling the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, a dispute that raged for decades.

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The Battle Over Science Integrity, Funding Begins

President Trump's characterization of climate change as a Chinese "hoax" and flirtations with the anti-vaccine movement have led many to conclude that he and his GOP allies are anti-science. A look at scientific integrity and funding in the new administration.


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Omnibus Politics: Building an Infrastructure Program

Democrats and Republications may agree on a vast federal program to build and repair the nation's crumbling infrastructure, but still uncertain is what will be built, how it will be paid for and who will vote for it. TipSheet looks at the politics of public works (what journalists used to call "pork").

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Could Trump 'Cancel' Paris Climate Deal?

President Trump said on the campaign trail that he would "cancel" the Paris climate agreement. But could he really wreck the treaty? Or are other nations — and our own — already too far down the road to fully undermine the international pact? TipSheet takes a closer look.

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Coal Leasing on Federal Lands

While resurrecting the declining U.S. coal industry, as promised by the new administration, is probably not possible, it may not stop a lifting of the moratorium on coal leasing on federal lands. TipSheet looks at how the issue moved front and center, and whether the move would help coal country.

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