Reform of Toxic Chemicals Law Collapses as Industry Flexes Muscles
Tighter regulation of toxic chemicals that often threaten people's health isn't going to happen in the current Congress. The reason: a strong industry lobbying effort.
Tighter regulation of toxic chemicals that often threaten people's health isn't going to happen in the current Congress. The reason: a strong industry lobbying effort.
"Have hundreds of millions of dollars in grants from major oil companies compromised the ethics of energy research at such institutions as UC Berkeley, UC Davis and Stanford?"
"The Obama administration made a gesture of support for the ethanol industry on Wednesday, with a declaration by the Environmental Protection Agency that gasoline retailers can sell fuel blends containing up to 15 percent ethanol for use in late-model cars."
"The decade-long effort to pass comprehensive climate legislation framed around a declining cap and trading for carbon dioxide emissions died an ignominious death. Now new proposals focused on a substantial ramp-up of investments in energy innovation are percolating — and instantly being attacked."
Ranchers are finding new ways to deter wolves.
Interviews suggest that politics initially blinded the Obama administration on oil drilling.
"Tests have revealed high levels of lead in children's products sold at Walmart and Target, a consumer group working with the California attorney general's office said today."
"The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have announced their first-ever direct grants to states and cities to study the potential effects of climate change in the United States."
Louisiana Sen. Mary Landrieu, who held President Obama's nomination for OMB director hostage over the deepwater drilling ban, has said she will now hold it hostage until she is satisfied with the pace at which drilling permits are granted.
"At the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday, the justices heard arguments in a case that drug manufacturers say could open the floodgates to thousands of lawsuits — mainly from parents who contend that vaccinations caused their children's autism. At issue is how far a federal law reaches in barring state lawsuits over vaccines."