National (U.S.)

"Climate Change Is Skiing's Worst Nightmare"

"Ski resorts are getting greener, and they're seeking recognition for it -- partly to boost their image with their environmentally-conscious clientele. To educate the public and recognize the best programs, one grass-roots organization, the Ski Area Citizens' Coalition, tracks the environmental impact and efforts of 82 ski areas in 11 Western states and has issued an annual report card each of the past 11 years."

Source: AP, 01/03/2011

BP Gulf Spill Continues To Foul 168 Miles of Louisiana Coastline

"Louisiana's coastline continues to be smeared with significant amounts of oil and oiled material from the BP Deepwater Horizon disaster, with cleanup teams struggling to remove as much as possible of the toxic material by the time migratory birds arrive at the end of February...."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 12/31/2010


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