Northeast (CT MA ME NH NJ NY RI VT)

"N.Y. Senate Fracking Backer Tied to Firm With Gas Lease"

"Senator Tom Libous, a champion of fracking in the New York Legislature, is blocking a bill that would delay drilling for natural gas for at least two more years. Passage of the measure would harm the prospects of a real-estate company founded by Libous’s wife and run by a business partner and campaign donor."

Source: Bloomberg, 05/10/2013

Toolbox: Database Helps Track Broken Promises on Parkland Conservation

Seattle-based InvestigateWest published a feature package last summer documenting illegal parkland conversions in Michigan, New York City, and Oklahoma. They could not cover all the other states — that was left for you to do, with the assistance of their database of some 40,000 federal grants under the Land and Water Conservation Fund.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Warm Ocean Waters Worry Maine Lobstermen, Industry"

"PORTLAND, Maine -- Ocean temperatures have been higher than normal in the Gulf of Maine, creating worries among lobstermen that there could be a repeat of last spring's early harvest that resulted in a market glut, a crash in the prices fishermen get and a blockade of Maine-caught lobsters in Canada."

Source: AP, 04/15/2013


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