Great Plains (IA KS ND NE MO SD)

Interior Appropriations — Dead on Arrival and Live at Five

Even though big proposed budget cuts may be DOA for the Interior Department, it doesn't mean there aren't a wide range of land and resource-related stories emerging from the debates. The latest TipSheet sets the scene and offers a half-dozen ways to localize the Interior Department funding story.

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"Standing Rock's Pipeline Fight Brought Hope, Then More Misery"

"Every day is a test of endurance on the [Standing Rock Sioux] reservation, which encompasses 3,600 square miles of windswept prairie in North and South Dakota. Freezing in winter, baking in summer, the reservation's residents brave the elements in clusters of trailer parks and prefabricated homes. Some 40 percent of its 8,200 people live below the poverty line. Like other Native American communities, Standing Rock suffers from high rates of unemployment, alcoholism and suicide. The health care system is a shambles, and housing is so scarce that multiple families often cram into a single dwelling."

Source: InsideClimate News, 04/04/2017

Judge Dismisses Des Moines Water Works Lawsuit Over Nitrates

"A federal judge has dismissed Des Moines Water Works' lawsuit against drainage districts in three northern Iowa counties the utility claimed are funneling high levels of nitrates into the Raccoon River, a source of drinking water for 500,000 central Iowa residents."

Source: Des Moines Register, 03/20/2017
March 20, 2017

DEADLINE: NPF Farm to Table Fellowship

This National Press Foundation  expenses-paid fellowship, May 14-17, 2017, will take U.S.-based journalists to Des Moines, Iowa to learn about food labeling, growing methods, GMOs, pesticide and herbicide use, agriculture research, antibiotics, organics, sustainability and government policy. Deadline: Mar 20.

Topics on the Beat: 

Sundance Festival a Megaphone for Climate Concerns

For the first time, Sundance Film Festival spotlighted a single theme, and it was climate change. Documentaries highlighting the issue including a sequel to Al Gore's blockbuster, as well as more than a dozen other films dealing with issues like coral reefs, recyling, changing landscapes and rainforest destruction.

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WatchDog Group Sues for Records as Pruitt Confirmation Vote Nears & More

The latest WatchDog TipSheet details an open-records case against U.S. EPA nominee Scott Pruitt (shown), the scoop on an Agriculture Department animal welfare database that vanished then returned, a reporter busted at Standing Rock, plus items on whistleblowers, coal-ash and more.

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