
"EPA Bypassed Its West Coast Team as a Feud With California Escalated"

"When the Environmental Protection Agency administrator, Andrew Wheeler, accused California of allowing “piles of human feces” on city streets to contaminate sewer systems, leaders of the agency’s West Coast region hastily convened an all-hands meeting of the San Francisco staff."

Source: NY Times, 10/16/2019

"Authorities: 3 Deaths Tied To Southern California Wildfires"

"Three people have died at the scene of Southern California wildfires this week, authorities said Saturday, as firefighters aided by diminishing winds beat back a blaze on the edge of Los Angeles that damaged or destroyed more than 30 structures and sent a blanket of smoke across a swath of neighborhoods."

Source: AP, 10/14/2019

"After Avoiding Safety Upgrades, PG&E Hired Lobbyists and PR Instead"

"Power shutoffs affecting more than 1 million residents, scheduled by PG&E this week throughout the San Francisco Bay Area and Northern California, have sparked a massive backlash, with many community members telling reporters that they are shocked that the company has not done more to upgrade its transmission lines."

Source: The Intercept, 10/14/2019

Grazing on Public Lands Still a Source of Controversy … and Stories

As the Society of Environmental Journalists heads to Colorado this week for its annual gathering, it’s a good time to consider how to report on the vast public lands throughout the western United States. The latest TipSheet explores the history of conflict over public lands, the stories they yield and the resources needed to better report the issue.

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