South America

Reporting on the Amazon Rainforest Highlights Accelerating Destruction

A prize-winning feature from the frontlines of the Amazon rainforest drew accolades in the Society of Environmental Journalists’ most recent awards contest. Judges said the “deeply reported account explains history and present-day politics through the lens of people whose voices are rarely heard in U.S. media.” Bloomberg investigative reporter Jessica Brice shares insights from the joint project, in the latest Inside Story Q&A.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Biden to Pledge $500 Million to Stop Deforestation in Brazil"

"The promise to help Brazil protect the Amazon must be approved by Congress, where Republicans are opposed to foreign climate aid."

"WASHINGTON — The Biden administration on Thursday will pledge $500 million over five years to fight deforestation in Brazil, a White House official said, in a move that would make the United States one of the largest donors to the global Amazon Fund.

Source: NYTimes, 04/20/2023

"‘Gone Wrong’: Doubts On Carbon-Credit Program In Peru Forest"

"The Cordillera Azul National Park on the eastern flank of the Peruvian Andes takes in a sweep of Amazon rainforest, mountains and waterfalls in a territory about the size of Connecticut, so precious that tens of millions of dollars in carbon credits have been sold in a program that supporters said would protect its trees."

Source: AP, 03/31/2023

"In Brazil's Amazon, Carbon Credit Project Halted Over Land Dispute"

"A corporate conservation project in Brazil's Amazon rainforest has sold carbon credits from publicly owned land without state authorization, a Context investigation has found, highlighting concerns about the credibility of offsets from areas with disputed land ownership."

Source: Thomson Reuters Fdn., 03/27/2023

"Brazil Evicts Miners From Yanomami Territory, Prepares For More Removals"

"Brazil has ousted almost all illegal gold miners from the Yanomami territory, its largest indigenous reservation, and will remove miners from six more reserves this year, the head of the federal police's new environmental crimes division said Tuesday."

Source: Reuters, 03/22/2023

Brazil Tackles Illegal Miners, But Finds Mercury Legacy Harder To Erase

"As the details of the humanitarian crisis in the Yanomami Indigenous Territory unfold amid action to remove illegal miners, mercury left by the rampant gold mining in the area will remain a lingering toxic legacy."

Source: Mongabay, 03/20/2023

Unseen War: "Brazilian Force Driving Out Mining Gangs From Indigenous Lands"

"For the last four years Brazil’s rainforests bled. “They bled like never before,” said Felipe Finger as he prepared to venture into the jungle with his assault rifle to staunch the environmental carnage inflicted on the Amazon under the former far-right president Jair Bolsonaro."

Source: Guardian, 03/02/2023


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