"Saudi Arabia in Policy Shift Seeking Solar Through Aramco"
"Saudi Arabia’s state-owned oil company is planning to add more solar power, a move to limit domestic fossil-fuel consumption in the world’s biggest exporter of crude."
"Saudi Arabia’s state-owned oil company is planning to add more solar power, a move to limit domestic fossil-fuel consumption in the world’s biggest exporter of crude."
"Plan grants increased water access to all three parties, but environmentalists warn of unpredictable consequences."
"Fujairah is emerging from its status as a back-water. The United Arab Emirates, led by Abu Dhabi, is turning the little emirate into an export hub for its oil in case of trouble from Iran."
"A tiny wedge of land jammed between Israel, Egypt and the Mediterranean sea, the Gaza Strip is heading inexorably into a water crisis that the United Nations says could make the Palestinian enclave unliveable in just a few years."
"DUBAI -- A powerful earthquake struck close to Iran's only nuclear power station on Tuesday, killing 37 people and injuring 850 as it destroyed homes and devastated two small villages, Iranian media reported."
"Report says toxic waste is being spread by scrap metal dealers, and describes its 'alarming' use in civilian areas during Iraq wars."
"The effects of climate change on the food supply exacerbated the underlying tensions that have led to ongoing Middle East instability."