Central America & the Caribbean

"Caribbean Refinery To Test Biden's Promises On Poverty And Pollution"

"Earlier this month, Loren Hughes, a longtime resident of the U.S. Virgin Islands, noticed specks of an oily substance covering his home, as well as those owned by his neighbors."

Source: Reuters, 03/09/2021

'We Lost Everything:' Central Americans Flee North After 2 Hurricanes

"It took Luis Salgado years of manual labor to save enough money to open a small fresh produce store, so when torrential floods swept away $1,500 worth of apples, bananas and other fruits, he decided there was no longer a future for him in Honduras."

Source: Reuters, 12/04/2020

"Punishing Hurricanes To Spur More Central American Migration"

"At a shelter in this northern Honduran city, Lilian Gabriela Santos Sarmiento says back-to-back hurricanes that hit with devastating fury this month have overturned her life. Her home in what was once a pretty neighborhood in nearby La Lima was destroyed by flooding."

Source: AP, 11/25/2020

Libro Periodismo Ambiental en América Latina y el Caribe: Botiquín de Superación

Escrito por Talli Nauman, una fundadora de la Red Mexicana de Periodistas Ambientales, con el apoyo del International Center for Journalists, 2019. El libro está disponible a la venta en la Rempa.



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