
"Maine Town Fights Plan To Use Pipeline To Export Oil Sands Crude"

"SOUTH PORTLAND, Maine — Tom Blake, like thousands of his neighbors in this coastal town, is used to living alongside the oil industry. Tank farms cluster in neighborhoods, by the park where families watch the movie "Frozen" on a summer night, next to schools and senior citizens apartment buildings. As a child, Blake, the town's former mayor, used to jump into high snow drifts from the massive oil tank next door."

Source: , 07/22/2014

"Transmission Projects Aim To Tap Canadian Hydroelectricity"

"Across the Canadian border, massive dams generate a seeminglyendless supply of hydroelectricity — a source of power that could help New England replace its closing coal and nuclear plants while cutting greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change. But there’s a big problem: getting it here."

Source: Boston Globe, 07/21/2014

"Forest Fires In Northwest Canada Burning At 'Unprecedented' Levels"

"For the past few weeks, dry and warm weather have fueled large forest fires across Canada’s remote Northwest Territories. The extent of those fires is well above average for the year to-date, and is in line with climate trends of more fires burning in the northern reaches of the globe."

Source: Climate Central, 07/18/2014


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