
"Top Cat: Why The Puma Is A Leading Influencer In The Animal Kingdom"

"From the Canadian Rockies to Patagonia, pumas have the largest terrestrial range of any mammal in the Americas. Now, a new study has reported the web of life these elusive cats support, showing how they are connected to more than 485 other species, from eagles feeding on their carrion to elk impacted by their “fear effect”."

Source: Guardian, 02/07/2022

Canada Watchdog Says Funds For Inactive Oil Well Cleanup May Fall Short

"Funds allocated by the Canadian government to help clean up the country’s orphan oil and gas wells may fall short if the main oil-producing province of Alberta continues to allocate the money to financially viable companies, the parliamentary budgetary watchdog said on Tuesday."

Source: Reuters, 01/26/2022

"Shell CCS Plant Emits More Greenhouse Gases Than It's Captured"

"A new report provides some damning new math on one of the oil giant's much-hyped CCS projects."

"Oil companies love to tell the world about the super cool technologies that have that will allow us to keep burning fossil fuels without cooking the climate. But those technologies are largely bullshit.

Source: Earther, 01/24/2022

"Canada’s New Environment Minister Talks Climate — And Compromise"

"From overseeing 2030 targets to phasing out fossil fuel subsidies, Steven Guilbeault has been tasked with one of the largest to-do lists of the entire federal cabinet. The environment minister says he'll act quickly, even if it means not getting exactly what he wants".

Source: The Narwhal, 01/10/2022

Charges Dropped Against Journalists Arrested on Wet’suwet’en Territory

"Charges have been dropped against journalists Amber Bracken and Michael Toledano, who were arrested and detained for three nights on civil contempt charges while reporting on militarized police raids on Wet’suwet’en territory in northwest B.C. on Nov. 19."

Source: The Narwhal, 01/06/2022

New Reporting Network Aims To Make Connections in the Mississippi Basin

The Mississippi River and its tributaries drain more than 40% of the continent, but most coverage of environmental stories within the Mississippi Basin is localized and siloed. The recently launched Mississippi River Basin Ag & Water Desk hopes to help news outlets provide region-wide reporting that contextualizes issues like climate change-driven flooding and the Gulf of Mexico dead zone.

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