
Organophosphate Insecticide Said To Cause Indian School Lunch Deaths

"ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Indian authorities on Wednesday were trying to determine how food served as part of a free school lunch program got tainted with insecticide, leading to the deaths of at least 22 children and the hospitalization of more than two dozen others."

Source: LA Times, 07/18/2013

"Bangladesh Pollution, Told in Colors and Smells"

"SAVAR, Bangladesh — On the worst days, the toxic stench wafting through the Genda Government Primary School is almost suffocating. Teachers struggle to concentrate, as if they were choking on air. Students often become lightheaded and dizzy. A few boys fainted in late April. Another retched in class."

Source: NY Times, 07/17/2013
June 25, 2013

DEADLINE: Himalaya Reporting Grant

The Himalayan Climate Change Adaptation Programme provides grants to support professional journalists in reporting investigative stories on climate-related environmental issues, with special regard to adaptation measures. Apply by June 25. Preference given to reporters from countries associated with the project (including China, India, Nepal, and Pakistan).


"China's Air Pollution: Is The Government Willing To Act?"

"Denise Mauzerall arrived in Beijing this year at a time that was both horrifying and illuminating. The capital was facing some of its worst pollution in recent memory and Mauzerall, a Princeton environmental engineering professor, was passing through on her way to a university forum on the future of cities."

Source: NPR, 05/24/2013


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