"Obama's Radioactive Regulator"
"Why did the White House pick a cheerleader for nuclear energy to oversee the industry?"
"Why did the White House pick a cheerleader for nuclear energy to oversee the industry?"
"Forests of dead beetle-kill could be speeding regional climate change, increasing temperatures and decreasing rainfalls across the American West."
"The Interior Department said Tuesday that it would investigate a decision made by the Bush administration to grant low royalty rates for oil shale development in the Rocky Mountains."
"Columbia University’s dual masters program in environmental journalism has been suspended, according to the school’s Web site ...." The reason: "the current weakness in the job market for environmental journalists,"
"The Obama administration is cracking down on BP as the oil company overhauls its massive refinery in northwest Indiana, one of the largest sources of air pollution in the Chicago area."
Some think Rush Limbaugh's call for New York Times reporter Andy Revkin to kill himself may have a detrimental effect on civil discourse in the U.S.
"The United States and many other major pollutant-emitting countries have concluded that it is more useful to take incremental but important steps toward a global agreement rather than to try to jam through a treaty that is either too weak to address the problem or too onerous to be ratified and enforced."
"In a split decision, a federal appeals court has upheld the convictions of six animal-rights activists charged under a terrorism statute with using their Web site to incite threats and vandalism against a company that tests products on animals."
"Ontario's environment ministry has given its blessing to a massive, controversial $550 million sewage line -- known as the "Big Pipe" -- that will open the door to billions of dollars worth of new development in the eastern GTA. However, years after construction started on the project in York Region, politicians are embroiled in in-fighting, as the remainder of the pipeline proposed to run through Pickering faces opposition from residents."
"A federal jury on Monday found Exxon Mobil liable for contaminating groundwater in New York City and awarded the city $104.7 million in compensatory damages."