
Watchdog Groups Call for Improvements in Contractor Misconduct Database

The Project on Government Oversight (POGO) and OMB Watch want the federal government to tighten the accountability of federal contractors by fixing problems with the database — a potentially valuable tool for environmental reporters.

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SEJ Joins Call for End to "Minders," Interview-Control at FDA

As USA TODAY exposes a culture of secrecy at FDA that caused schoolkids in several states to get sick because the FDA hid information about tainted tortillas, SEJ and other journalism groups insist FDA ends restrictions on staff interviews with press.

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Topics on the Beat: 

"Dioxin Delays"

"The Environment Report's Shawn Allee investigates Dow Chemical and dioxin contamination in mid-Michigan. Central Michigan has lived with toxic dioxin pollution in two major rivers and Saginaw Bay for decades. Shawn looks at who's been affected, why it's taken so long to clean up, how the science behind dioxin has played into this, and what the cleanup means for the rest of the country."

Source: Environment Report, 11/18/2009


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