
"Nuclear Plant's Use of River Water Prompts $1.1 Billion Debate"

"Just beneath the wind-stippled surface of the Hudson River here, huge pipes suck enough water into the Indian Point  nuclear plant every second to fill three Olympic swimming pools. And each second they take in dozens of organisms -- fish and crabs, but mostly larvae -- that are at the center of a $1.1 billion debate: should the plant have to put in cooling towers that would vastly reduce the intake of water?"

Source: NYTimes, 08/24/2010

California Watch

A project of the Center for Investigative Reporting, California Watch covers the state's environment, health, money and politics, education, and public safety. Find story ideas and reporting tips, a blog, recommended bookmarks, and databases to download, such as California wildfire history and top greenhouse gas polluters.

August 27, 2010

Strengthening Mexico's Legal Framework to Address Climate Change

Participants in this week-long series of meetings between Mexican federal legal officials and U.S. climate change experts, facilitated by the Environmental Law Institute, will discuss their observations and insights and the climate change legal framework in Mexico.

Topics on the Beat: 

"Tribal Lands Struggle To Bring Clean Power Online"

Campo Kumeyaay Nation, a small tribe in the desert mountains east of San Diego, benefitted from the casino that opened in 2001. Now it wants to build a 25-turbine wind farm called Kumeyaay 1, the only large-scale renewable energy plant on Indian land in the country. But a big problem is the tribe's tax status: as a sovereign nation it can not receive the federal tax credits that make such projects feasible.

Source: NPR, 08/20/2010


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