
"Pollution from Plastic Trash May Make Tiny Island a Superfund Site"

"The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency plans to study whether plastic pollution on a small island in the Pacific Ocean is severe enough to warrant listing it as a Superfund clean-up site. Tern Island, a 25-acre strip of land about 500 miles northwest of the Hawaiian island Oahu, is home to millions of seabirds, sea turtles, and the endangered Hawaiian monk seal. "

Yale Environment 360 had the story November 19, 2013.

Source: YaleE360, 11/20/2013

Court Orders DOE To Stop Collecting Fee for Nuclear Waste Disposal

"WASHINGTON — A federal appeals court ruled Tuesday that the Energy Department must stop collecting fees of about $750 million a year that are paid by consumers and intended to fund a program for the disposal of nuclear waste. The reason, the court said, is that there is no such program."

Source: NY Times, 11/20/2013

Planned Giving to SEJ

Have you thought about providing for SEJ in your will or through your investments? The easiest and most common method of charitable planned giving is by means of a bequest in your will. A will is the legal expression of your wishes for the disposition of your property to take effect at death. However, implementing some or all of your charitable planning during your lifetime can offer some advantages.

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