#SEJSpotlight: Glory Mushinge, Freelance Journalist

#SEJSpotlight graphic for Glory Mushinge


Meet SEJ member Glory Mushinge! Glory is an award-winning, international journalist from Zambia, who writes about a host of environmental, technological, developmental, governance and human rights issues. As a freelance journalist and international correspondent, she has done work with such organizations as the Global Press Journal/Institute, Women's International Perspective, Africa Feeds, Genderlinks and Africa24 Media, among others. Glory currently does a lot of work (in radio, online, web videos, etc.) for Germany's international public broadcaster, Deutsche Welle (DW), where she is a correspondent. She has also recently gotten involved with Step Up Media in South Africa.

When asked if she would recommend SEJ membership to her colleagues, Glory said, "I definitely would. It's a great opportunity/platform to forge professional partnerships and expand one's network, as well as acquire extra and specific skills. It helps to create bonds and socialize with like-minded professionals and to always be in the know about the latest environmental information and developments." Join us — apply for SEJ membership.

Check out some of Glory's work:

Find Glory: 

Facebook        /glory.mushinge
LinkedIn         /glory-mushinge-8747a76
X                      @gmwisa

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