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"Food Makers Devise Own Label Plan"

"Starting in the next few months, the front of many food packages will prominently display important nutrition information, including calorie, fat and sugar content. The industrywide program was announced Monday by food makers and grocers."

Source: NY Times, 01/25/2011

ECOS Annual Meeting

The Environmental Council of the States, a national non-profit, non-partisan association of state and territorial environmental agency leaders, will hold its spring membership meeting in Scottsdale, AZ.

Environmental Council of the States (ECOS)

Non-profit, non-partisan ECOS is the national association of state and territorial environmental agency leaders. Focus areas include: Air, Water, Waste, Cross Media, Planning, Compliance, Info Management, and Quicksilver Caucus.

Oil Sands Pipeline Sparks Grass-Roots Activism, High-Stakes Lobbying

"A massive feat of engineering by any measure, the Keystone pipeline expansion project would transport crude oil close to 1,700 miles from "oil sands" in the icy reaches of Hardisty, Alberta, down through the Great Plains to the refineries of Port Arthur, Tex. In doing so, the giant pipe also promises to allay some fears about U.S. energy security: The oil will come from a trusted ally, and its cross-continental path avoids visions of another deep-sea drilling disaster."

Source: Wash Post, 01/24/2011

"E.P.A. Approves Use of More Ethanol in Gasoline"

"The Environmental Protection Agency said on Friday that cars and light trucks from the 2001 model year onward can safely use a blend of 15 percent ethanol mixed with gasoline, up from the 10 percent standard now in effect in much of the country. The decision expands the pool of vehicles that could use such a fuel to about 62 percent of the total on the roads."

Source: NY Times, 01/24/2011
