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"Pa. Fracking Blowout Spews Fluid Onto State Forest Lands"

"Talisman Energy has resumed its Marcellus drilling operations in Pennsylvania, a week after one of the company's gas wells experienced a blowout that caused an uncontrolled discharge of sand and fracking fluids onto state forest lands in Tioga County."

Source: Gannett, 01/26/2011

La 21ava Conferencia Anual de la SEJ, Miami, Oct. 19-23, 2011

El congreso de SEJ en Miami tendrá sesiones llenas de noticias tan oportunas, tan relevantes a sus regiones, y de contenido tan apasionante, que los periodistas se animarán a enviarlas desde la misma conferencia. Tenderemos puentes entre los temas ambientales para conectar los asuntos comunes sobresalientes en todas las Américas y el resto del mundo.

"Will Obama Stand up for Clean Air?"

"Following the administration's announcement last week that it wants to make the regulatory system more friendly to businesses, there's some increasing anxiety about whether Obama will aggressively defend the Environmental Protection Agency's ability to regulate greenhouse gas emissions under the Clean Air Act. A number of environmental and public health groups are lobbying the president to explicitly defend the agency's climate regulations in his State of the Union address on Tuesday."

Source: Mother Jones, 01/25/2011

"Industry Group’s Self-Depiction Raises Eyebrows"

Remember the "demon sheep"? The "Waters Advocacy Coalition," which presents itself as if it were an environmental group defending the Clean Water Act, is actually a front for major industrial lobby groups working to roll back Clean Water Act enforcement.

Source: Green (NYT), 01/25/2011
