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"Pledge on Sharks Proved Hollow, Report Says"

"Many of the world’s top shark-fishing nations have yet to develop plans to manage and conserve dwindling shark populations, despite a 2001 pledge to do so, a new report from two conservation groups says."

Source: Green (NYT), 01/28/2011

"Koch Industries Unamused by Climate Spoof"

"From the sometimes bizarre front lines of the climate-change culture wars: It seems the brothers Koch, proprietors of the giant, Kansas-based industrial conglomerate and well-heeled supporters of Tea Party causes, have now set their sights on a group of anonymous pranksters who spoofed a Koch Industries press release last month — one that suggested the brothers were having a change of heart on climate change."

Source: Green (NYT), 01/28/2011

"Soot Crackdown Lags as EPA Wrestles Other Deadlines"

"U.S. EPA's air division has made headlines under President Obama for its push to limit greenhouse gases and toxic pollution, but the busy office is running late with new limits on asthma-inducing soot, close observers of the rulemaking process say."

Source: Greenwire, 01/28/2011

"Arctic Current Warmer Than For 2,000 Years: Study"

"A North Atlantic current flowing into the Arctic Ocean is warmer than for at least 2,000 years in a sign that global warming is likely to bring ice-free seas around the North Pole in summers, a study showed."

Source: Reuters, 01/28/2011

"Tijuana Sewage Pipe Fixed, Agency Reports"

"TIJUANA — A ruptured sewage pipe in Playas de Tijuana that led Baja California health authorities to close beaches—and raised concerns that the contamination also could affect ocean water quality north of the border—has been fixed, authorities said Thursday."

Source: San Diego Union-Tribune, 01/28/2011

"Obama Ducks and Covers on Climate"

"The 'C-word,' climate, appears to have become to the Beltway what  the 'P-word,' population, has been in climate treaty negotiations for a long time — unmentionable."

Source: Dot Earth, 01/27/2011
