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"Foreign Species Invade San Francisco Bay"

"California is cracking down on invasive species, and that could have a big impact on national regulations due out later this year. The state has passed the strictest rules in the country to prevent cargo ships from bringing foreign plants and animals to San Francisco Bay. But the standards are so high, California may not be able to enforce them."

Source: NPR, 05/12/2011

"Coal Curriculum Called Unfit for 4th Graders"

"Three advocacy groups have started a letter-writing campaign asking Scholastic Inc. to stop distributing the fourth-grade curriculum materials that the American Coal Foundation paid the company to develop."

Source: NY Times, 05/12/2011

"Arctic Council To Address Role of Soot in Global Warming"

"Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton touched down Wednesday on Greenland’s rocky, snow-flecked coast for two days of talks on the Arctic, as the Obama administration seeks to draw attention to the rapidly accelerating loss of sea ice and surging interest in the region’s natural resources."

Source: Wash Post, 05/12/2011

"Alarming Combo: Bedbugs With 'Superbug' Germ Found"

"Hate insects? Afraid of germs? Researchers are reporting an alarming combination: bedbugs carrying a staph 'superbug.' Canadian scientists detected drug-resistant staph bacteria in bedbugs from three hospital patients from a downtrodden Vancouver neighborhood."

Source: AP, 05/12/2011
