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"Flooding Hinders Shipping on the Mississippi River"

"Cargo was slowly moving along the bloated Mississippi River after a costly daylong standstill, while officials kept an eye on the lower Delta where thousands of acres of farmland could be swamped by water that is inching closer to the top of a levee."

Source: AP, 05/18/2011

"Group: Susquehanna Is 'Most Endangered'"

"For the second time in six years, the Washington, D.C.-based conservation group American Rivers today put the Susquehanna at the top of its annual 'Endangered Rivers' list, citing rapidly growing and 'poorly regulated' natural gas drilling using hydraulic fracturing, or 'fracking.'"

Source: Wilkes-Barre Times Leader, 05/18/2011

"In Japan Reactor Failings, Danger Signs for the U.S."

"Emergency vents that American officials have said would prevent devastating hydrogen explosions at nuclear plants in the United States were put to the test in Japan — and failed to work, according to experts and officials with the company that operates the crippled Fukushima Daiichi plant."

Source: NY Times, 05/18/2011

"Senate Refuses to End Tax Breaks for Big Oil"

"The Senate on Tuesday blocked a Democratic proposal to strip the five leading oil companies of tax breaks that backers of the measure said were unfairly padding industry profits while consumers were struggling with high gas prices."

Source: NY Times, 05/18/2011

Journalism in the Age of Data

A video report on data visualization as a storytelling medium. Produced by Geoff McGhee during a Knight Journalism Fellowship. Total running time: 54 minutes; with related information and links.

Blue Vision Summit

Journalists can focus on some major ocean issues at this event in Washington DC. It will cover everything from the Gulf of Mexico's struggle to recover from the BP oil spill to protection of over-exploited commercial fish stocks … to ocean acidification, marine protected areas, offshore energy, and coastal ecosystem restoration.
