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"Oil CEOs Head To Hill for Grilling By Senate Dems"

"Senate Democrats are calling top executives from the five biggest oil companies before a congressional hearing to flog them verbally for high gasoline prices, big profits and generous tax breaks that Democrats would like to end but don't have the votes to stop."

Source: AP, 05/12/2011

Ocean Issues Highlighted at 'Blue Vision' Summit May 20-23 in DC

The event will cover everything from the Gulf of Mexico's struggle to recover from the BP oil spill to protection of over-exploited commercial fish stocks … to ocean acidification, marine protected areas, offshore energy, and coastal ecosystem restoration.

BUREC Predicts Climate Impacts on Western Waters

The Bureau of Reclamation report says major changes often are expected, with the magnitude varying substantially by location. The data and information provided allow you to dig into the details to some degree for the watersheds of interest to your audience.

FWS: Climate Change Is Affecting Fish and Wildlife in Every State

To illustrate those impacts in each state — and related attempts at mitigation and collaborative projects — the US Fish and Wildlife Service is publishing a new article every weekday for fifty consecutive days. For example, one story is on Wisconsin's innovative native prairie restoration program. 

"U.S. Nuclear Plants To Step Up Emergency Plans: INPO"

"Some U.S. nuclear plants are not in full compliance with rules set up after the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States to respond to explosions and fires, a self-regulatory body for the nuclear industry has found."

Source: Reuters, 05/11/2011
