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"Flooding Could Spur Largest Ever Dead Zone"

"The massive amount of nutrient-heavy river water pouring out of spillways and through the mouths of the Mississippi and Atchafalaya rivers will likely trigger a record-setting Gulf of Mexico dead zone, an area of low-to-no oxygen water that forms annually off Louisiana’s coast."

Source: Thibodaux Daily Comet, 05/27/2011

"GOP Presidential Hopefuls Shift on Global Warming"

"For Republican presidential contenders who once supported combatting global warming, the race is heating up. Faced with an activist right wing that questions the science linking pollution to changes in the Earth's climate and also disdains big government, most of the GOP contenders have stepped back from their previous positions on global warming."

Source: AP, 05/27/2011

"White House Takes Aim at Federal Rule Book"

"The Obama administration on Thursday came through on its pledge to scour the federal rule book for regulations that need to be either dramatically changed or scrapped, as the White House seeks to stay in front of GOP and industry complaints that too many federal regulations are burdensome."

Source: Politico, 05/27/2011

The Passing of Nina Leopold Bradley

The Aldo Leopold Foundation is reporting the death May 25, 2011 of  Nina Leopold Bradley, Aldo's daughter.  She was 93.  Nina spoke at SEJ's 2009 conference, during a Sunday morning session that included Wendell Berry, Carl Leopold, Curt Meine, and Mike Dombeck. You can find audio of it here.

National Security, Economic Well-Being, and the Law of the Sea

Sponsored by the Environmental Law Institute, the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation and Capitol Hill Ocean Week, this seminar in DC features international ocean management experts exploring the relevance of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea to national security and economic well-being.

Resolved: EPA's Utility MACT Is the Right Tool at the Right Time

Environmental Law Institute hosts a debate in DC of EPA's proposed new Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) standards for power plants.

"Top Sunscreens, Ranked by Two Consumer Health Groups"

"While you're out buying the charcoal briquets for your Memorial Day barbecue this year, you'll probably want to pick up some sunscreen, too. But, of the dozens of varieties that appear on store shelves, which is the best one to buy?"

Source: TIME, 05/26/2011
