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"NOAA's Gamble on the Bluefin Tuna"

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has decided that the declining Atlantic populations of the bluefin tuna do not warrant endangered species protection for now.

Source: Mother Jones, 05/30/2011

David Stolberg, Founder of SEJ, 1927-2011

SEJ is saddened to share news from Mike Phillips, executive director of the Scripps Howard Foundation: SEJ founder David Stolberg died May 24, 2011. Members will recall that "The Stolberg Award" is SEJ's highest organizational recognition for meritorious volunteer service.  We'll be honoring him in various ways this year, and very proud to give out The Stolberg as long as member-volunteers continue to power this group the way that they (you) surely do.

"Chevron Feels the Heat at Annual Shareholder Meeting"

"At Chevron's annual general meeting Wednesday, the oil giant's chief executive John Watson, the Board of Directors and shareholders were greeted by over 150 activists, who traveled to San Ramon from throughout the world. They came from Angola, Indonesia, Nigeria, Alaska and Ecuador to share their stories of the human and environmental degradation Chevron had unleashed in their communities."

Source: ENS, 05/27/2011

"Delaware Judge asked To Block Massey Energy Deal"

"Shareholders of Massey Energy Co. asked a judge on Thursday to block the company's pending acquisition unless they are allowed to pursue claims that company directors ignored safety for profits and should be held accountable for a mine explosion that killed 29 workers last year."

Source: AP, 05/27/2011

Companies Seek Dismissal of Some Gulf Spill Claims Against Them

"In the first substantive hearing of the consolidated litigation over last year's Gulf of Mexico oil disaster, corporate defendants told U.S. District Court Judge Carl Barbier Thursday that claims for economic damage, claims by first responders who got sick from cleaning up the oil, and suits by environmental advocacy groups should be dismissed."

Source: New Orelans Times-Picayune, 05/27/2011
