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"Globally, Year 2010 Ranked Second Warmest on Record"

"For the planet as a whole, 2010 was one of the two warmest years on record, according to three independent datasets detailed in the latest State of the Climate report, released today by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the American Meteorological Society."

Source: ENS, 06/30/2011

"Group Condemns Harassment of Climate Scientists"

"There’s a ripple of unease among many scientists who study the warming of the planet these days. Some have faced harassment, legal challenges and even death threats related to their research, the American Association for the Advancement of Science reports."

Source: Green/NYT, 06/30/2011

Environment & Security: "Pakistan Woefully Unprepared For New Floods"

"It took farmer Ghulam Hussain almost a year to start re-building his house, destroyed last year in floods that left vast swathes of Pakistan underwater, and disrupted the lives of more than 18 million people. Now, his small, two-room mud and brick house -- just a few hundred meters from the Indus River -- is almost complete, but he is worried as to how long it will survive."

Source: Reuters, 06/30/2011

New Environment-Related CRS Reports Available

Congress still forbids the Congressional Research Service to release publicly reports that taxpayers have paid for. Thanks to groups like the Federation of American Scientists, however, taxpayers can read the reports online despite the charade.

Society for Ecological Restoration International 2011 World Conference

The Society for Ecological Restoration International (SER) and its partners from Latin America invite you to Merida, Mexico – in the heart of the Yucatan Peninsula – for SER’s 4th World Conference on Ecological Restoration.

USDA Pesticide, Fertilizer Data Now in Online Database

The Agriculture Department under President Obama has partly restored public access to the Agricultural Chemical Usage data by the National Agricultural Statistics Service. President Bush had cancelled the reports in 2008.

Don't "Wonder" About U.S. Disease Data — Look It up in CDC's Database

WONDER is a single portal for using a variety of databases related to public health that are maintained by CDC. Many are relevant to the environment beat, such as asthma and allergy prevalence, lung disease, cancer, agricultural safety, pesticides, occupational exposure, chemical hazards, waterborne disease, foodborne disease, and adverse vaccine events.

Did OMB Strangle TRI Rule in Its Crib for Chemical, Wood Treatment Industries?

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency had gone through an open rulemaking process on the "Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) Articles Exemption Clarification Rule" but withdrew a final rule it had sent to President Obama's Office of Management and Budget for approval after OMB met privately with chemical, wood, and other industry lobbyists.
