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"U.S., Europe Worlds Apart on Climate Science Coverage"

"When it comes to reporting on climate change, European media are from hothouse Venus, and their American counterparts are from considerably more frigid Mars. The divide between them may be having a profound impact on climate and energy policy in either part of the world."

Source: Midwest Energy News, 07/06/2011

"White House Study Explains Why GOP Targets EPA"

"The Environmental Protection Agency has become a target of House Republicans and of GOP presidential hopefuls. They say its rules are job killers. A new White House report finds air pollution rules from the EPA cost far more than other government regulations. But they also result in far more benefits than other government mandates."

Source: NPR, 07/06/2011

"Two Scouts Want Palm Oil Out Of Famous Cookies"

"A lot of adult environmentalists have been trying for years to focus attention on tropical rain forests in southeast Asia, but it took two teenagers to get the issue on the front page of a national newspaper and on the network news."

Source: NPR, 07/05/2011

"Los Alamos Evacuation Order Lifted; 12,000 Go Home"

"Honking horns and waving to firefighters, residents of a New Mexico city threatened by a massive wildfire rolled back into Los Alamos nearly a week after flames forced an evacuation and the closure of a nearby major nuclear weapons laboratory."

Source: AP, 07/05/2011
