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"EPA Funding Cuts Outlined By GOP"

"House Republicans outlined a new round of spending cuts from environmental agencies Wednesday while denying President Barack Obama any increase for one of his top investment priorities: the National Science Foundation."

Source: Politico, 07/08/2011

Exxon Blocks Public Roads; Bars Reporters from Spill Without "Escort"

"Even though the [Yellowstone River] oil spill is widespread, it's not always easy to get to. In Laurel, Montana, near where the spill happened, Exxon security guards block off a public road leading to cleanup operations. Media from around the world wait to be escorted into one area to film the spill. Hassett said the escort is to protect reporters from the floodwaters."

Source: CNN, 07/08/2011

"Millions of African Climate Refugees Desperate for Food, Water"

"The worst drought in 60 years is causing a severe food crisis in East Africa. In Kenya, the world's largest refugee camp is overwhelmed as 10,000 climate refugees from across the drought-stricken region arrive each week seeking water, food and shelter."

Source: ENS, 07/08/2011

"EPA Rule Seeks To Curb Long-Distance Air Pollution"

"In a sweeping move aimed at curbing long-distance air pollution that afflicts the health of 240 million Americans ...the Environmental Protection Agency is ordering power plants across much of the eastern United States to sharply curtail emissions."

Source: Baltimore Sun, 07/08/2011
