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"Clean Water: House Bars EPA From Overruling States On Pollution"

"The Republican-controlled House passed a bill Wednesday that would sharply curtail the federal government's role in protecting waters from pollution by barring the Environmental Protection Agency from overruling state decisions on water quality."

Source: AP, 07/14/2011

NOAA Rule Aims To Silence Sea Grant Advocacy

Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility petitioned NOAA to reverse its no-advocacy policy, saying it's inconsistent with the agency's official scientific integrity policy and the Obama administration's much-vaunted advocacy of more openness in federal government.

Press Fotogs Sue DHS Over Laptop, Camera Seizures

A U.S. District judge heard oral arguments July 8, 2011 on a DHS motion to dismiss the case, brought by the National Press Photographers Association, the American Civil Liberties Union and the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers.

Defiant Murdoch E-Tab To Judge: Nuts To Pulling BP Deposition

U.S. Magistrate Judge Sally Shushan of the Eastern District of Louisiana ordered iPad-only publication The Daily to remove the deposition, by former BP CEO Tony Hayward in the Gulf oil spill lawsuit, because it had not been published with her permission.

"Acting W.Va. Gov Orders Emergency Marcellus Rules"

"West Virginia regulators will temporarily take the lead on regulating Marcellus shale drilling while lawmakers attempt to craft long-term rules for developing this rich natural gas reserve, acting Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin announced Tuesday."

Source: AP, 07/13/2011

Short on Cash and Know-How, U.S. Geothermal Industry Stumbles"

Dramatic drops in the stock prices of some publicly traded geothermal energy companies in the last year or so have resulted from a variety of factors. Some companies lacking expertise have done a poor job of developing the geothermal reserves they hold. Some are having trouble getting the capital they need. And in the end, most of the best geothermal reserves in the U.S. may already be taken.

Source: Greenwire, 07/13/2011
