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Sales Strategies for Freelance Business Journalists, Free Webinar Sessions Over 3 Days

In this free Webinar, participants will learn simple things they can immediately incorporate into their daily work to help them identify great writing clients, win more assignments and earn a healthy living.

Aquaculture: "The End of the Line"

As stocks of many fish species in the oceans are reduced or depleted by overfishing, aquaculture is increasing rapidly worldwide as a way of filling the gap. But that growth has been accompanies by serious environmental costs.

Source: TIME, 07/14/2011

"Gov't Agency Vote Means Lower Lead in Toys"

"The amount of lead allowed in toys and other children's products sold in the U.S. will soon be reduced to one of the lowest limits in the world. The move was praised by consumer advocates but denounced by critics worried about job losses and shuttered businesses."

Source: AP, 07/14/2011

"China's Fresh Rare Earths Export Quotas Restore Cuts"

"China on Thursday issued a second batch of quotas for exports of rare earths this year -- virtually making up for previous cuts -- after its commerce minister met with his EU counterpart to discuss this and other thorny issues between the two trading partners."

Source: Reuters, 07/14/2011

OMB Disclosure of Energy-Loan Emails May Not Avoid House Subpoena

"The Office of Management and Budget this week provided the House Energy and Commerce Committee access to some 1,400 pages of emails concerning the Department of Energy's controversial loan guarantee program and promised to provide additional updates by the end of the week."

Source: Greenwire, 07/14/2011

"Teflon Component Linked To Arthritis"

"High blood levels of a man-made chemical used in non-stick coatings were associated with a raised risk of arthritis in a large new study of adults exposed to tainted drinking water."

Source: Reuters, 07/14/2011

"Utility Shelves Ambitious Plan to Limit Carbon"

"A major American utility is shelving the nation’s most prominent effort to capture carbon dioxide from an existing coal-burning power plant, dealing a severe blow to efforts to rein in emissions responsible for global warming."

Source: NY Times, 07/14/2011
