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Lawmakers Seek Investigation of Natural Gas Industry

"Federal lawmakers called Tuesday on several agencies, including the federal Securities and Exchange Commission, the Energy Information Administration and the Government Accountability Office, to investigate whether the natural gas industry has provided an accurate picture to investors of the long-term profitability of their wells and the amount of gas these wells can produce."

Source: NY Times, 06/29/2011

International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Remediation (ICEPR 2011)

ICEPR is a series of international conferences held yearly to address environmental pollution and new advances in remediation. These conferences focus on all aspects of Environmental Science, Engineering, and Technology. International ASET and the University of Ottawa will be hosting this conference.

Groups Urge US To Prepare for Climate-Related Conflict, Disaster

"Climate-related disasters will exacerbate conflict and stresses in vulnerable countries, with implications for global and US security, says a new report by Oxfam America and the Center for Naval Analysis. In order to make developing nations more resilient, US aid should focus more on using risk reduction strategies, seeking to prevent climate-related humanitarian disasters before they occur."

Source: Climate Science Watch, 06/28/2011

"Newly Found Species on World's Large Islands Already at Risk"

"At least 1,060 new species were discovered on the island of New Guinea from 1998 to 2008, but unsustainable logging and plantation agriculture are putting many of these creatures at risk, finds a new study by the global conservation organization WWF."

Source: ENS, 06/28/2011

"Nuclear Plant’s Vital Equipment Dry, Officials Say"

"FORT CALHOUN, Neb. — When safety regulators arrive for a tour of a nuclear plant, the operators usually give the visitors a helmet, safety glasses and earplugs. When Gregory B. Jaczko, chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, got to the Fort Calhoun plant on Monday morning, the Omaha Public Power District offered him a life jacket."

Source: NY Times, 06/28/2011

"White House Considers Big Boost To Fuel Economy"

"The Obama administration is telling American automakers that it would like cars and light trucks to average 56.2 miles per gallon by 2025 — a boost to fuel economy that would save consumers money at the pump and help with global warming but drive up the cost of automobiles."

Source: AP, 06/28/2011

"Green Jobs Attract Graduates"

A growing number of recent graduates are passing on careers in traditional industries and media for work on sustainability, often in the nonprofit sector.

Source: NY Times, 06/28/2011
