SEJournal Online is the digital news magazine of the Society of Environmental Journalists. Learn more about SEJournal Online, including submission, subscription and advertising information.
Publication Items
- A new analysis of about 40,000 census tracts in the larger US metropolitan areas can help you cover how well your community is preparing for heat-related risk.SEJ Publication Types:Topics on the Beat:Region:Visibility:
North American Toxics Data Released
The Commission for Environmental Cooperation, which is a joint effort of Canada, the US, and Mexico, released on June 10, 2009, its annual report tracking and comparing toxic emissions.SEJ Publication Types:Topics on the Beat:Region:Visibility:EPA To Announce Proposed NO2 Standard
After several years of preparatory work, EPA is expected to announce by June 26, 2009, its proposed primary standard for one of the six "criteria" air pollutants, nitrogen dioxide.
SEJ Publication Types:Region:Visibility:Top-Notch Panel Named For $75,000 Grantham Prize
A prestigious group of journalists has been named to judge the newly established Grantham Prize, North America's largest journalism prize established to recognize reporting on the environment.
The Grantham Prize for Excellence in Reporting on the Environment will provide a $75,000 cash award each year to one journalist or a team of journalists in recognition of exemplary reporting on the environment.
Topics on the Beat:Region:Visibility:Species-Protection Law Overhaul Sits In Senate
Congress is considering a rewrite of the nation's law overseeing the protection of imperiled plants and wildlife – in a move that could make sweeping changes to the Endangered Species Act for the first time since it was put into law over 30 years ago.
The House of Representatives has already passed its overhaul of the act, which would throw out many of the existing mandatory requirements in favor of voluntary measures.
Topics on the Beat:Region:Visibility:Using TRI, Please!
I know that a lot of folks are down on TRI, and I agree that the data is not perfect. But I'm also terribly concerned that we as environmental reporters don't use it frequently enough (or well enough) and particularly frightened about EPA's proposals to cut back on the program. I also know that some of the best stories I do are based in some way on TRI data. It's still simply the best basic set of pollution numbers we have. Here's my latest example of how TRI helped me make a so-so story into a darned good one.
Topics on the Beat:Region:Visibility:Not A Single Armadillo Was Killed
Not surprisingly this year's SEJ Conference in Austin, Texas, was overshadowed by a singular but all too predictable disaster, the lack of affordable booze at SEJ events.
Ironically, the last really boozy SEJ conference was in New Orleans where I recall Mark Schleifstein ominously predicting that someday we'd end up meeting in Texas. If only we'd listened to his warnings.
Topics on the Beat:Region:Visibility:Acid Oceans: A New Twist To Report When Covering Climate Change
The increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere due to human activities, such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation, is well known. Scientists – with the exception of some skeptics – predict changes in the Earth's climate from rising levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.Topics on the Beat:Region:Visibility:Journalism's Struggle Offers Big Challenges For SEJ
SEJ's truly marvelous family of committed journalists, educators and other friends came out of the Austin conference with the usual amazement about all the talent, helpfulness and great work that our members exude.
Topics on the Beat:Region:Visibility:Two Agencies Hide Neglect of Coal-Dam Safety with Secrecy
US EPA and Army Corps of Engineers say they "cannot make the list of 'high hazard' coal ash impoundment sites public," even though risk to communities exists -- like the December 2008 pond failure at the Kingston Fossil Plant in Tennessee.SEJ Publication Types:Topics on the Beat:Visibility: