"This Oil Tycoon Brings In Millions For Trump, And May Set His Agenda"

"Harold Hamm has become Trump’s point person in raising funds from oil industry donors and relaying to the ex-president what the industry wants."

"After Donald Trump asked the oil industry to contribute $1 billion to his presidential campaign in April, oil baron Harold Hamm immediately started working the phones.

Hamm, the billionaire founder of Continental Resources, called other oil executives and encouraged them to attend fundraisers and open their wallets, according to people with knowledge of the outreach who, like others interviewed for this article, spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe private discussions.

“We’ve got to do this because it’s the most important election in our lifetime,” Hamm said as he made calls after the April dinner at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club, where the former president made the audacious fundraising ask, according to an associate.

Another person familiar with the matter said Hamm railed against President Joe Biden’s energy policies and argued that even if donors didn’t love Trump, it made sense to support the former president. In recent months, Hamm has also orchestrated some introductions between oil executives and Trump, and Trump has now “called almost everyone in the sector,” said a person involved in the industry."

Josh Dawsey and Maxine Joselow report for the Washington Post August 13, 2024.

Source: Washington Post, 08/14/2024