"EPA Formally Denies Alabama’s Plan for Coal Ash Waste"

"The federal agency says the state’s plan was not as protective as federal standards, allowing toxic waste to remain in unlined pits that may contaminate groundwater. Alabama officials say they will appeal."

"MOBILE, Ala.—The Environmental Protection Agency has formally denied Alabama’s plan to allow Alabama Power and other utilities to continue storing toxic coal ash in unlined pits at sites across the state.

The decision, formalized Thursday, is the culmination of months of back-and-forth between state and federal environmental regulators over coal ash storage sites.

Environmental organizations have applauded the denial, arguing that Alabama’s plans were not protective of citizens or the environment. In a statement issued after the EPA announced its decision, the Alabama Department of Environmental Management said it was disappointed and would appeal."

Lee Hedgepeth reports for Inside Climate News May 23, 2024.

Source: Inside Climate News, 05/24/2024