"NOAA: Potent Heat-Trapping Methane Increases At Record Pace"

"Global atmospheric levels of the potent but short-lived greenhouse gas methane increased a record amount last year, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said Thursday, worrying scientists because of the large role methane has in climate change.

The preliminary airborne level of methane jumped 17 parts per billion, hitting 1895.7 parts per billion last year. It’s the second year in a row that methane rose at a record rate with 2020 going up 15.3 ppb over 2019, according to NOAA. Methane levels are now way more than double pre-industrial levels of 720 parts per billion, said Lindsay Lan, an atmospheric scientist at NOAA and the University of Colorado.

Methane is a big contributor to climate change, leading to about a 0.9 degrees Fahrenheit (0.5 degrees Celsius) increase in temperature since the 19th century, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Carbon dioxide has caused about 50% more warming than methane."

Seth Borenstein reports for the Associated Press April 7, 2022.


"Methane Emissions Soared to a Record in 2021, Scientists Say" (New York Times)

"One Weird Trick for Fossil Fuel Companies to Actually Do Something Right" (Earther)

Source: AP, 04/08/2022