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When considering the impact of transportation on the environment, most people think of cars. However, air travel is gaining increasing scrutiny as a climate change culprit. Are people and organizations in your region aware of how their flying habits affect global climate? How significant is this impact? And what, if anything, are today's air travelers willing to do about it? In June 2006, reported that "Air travel accounts for about 3.5 percent of the human contribution to global warming," according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). At issue is not just today's air travel, but tomorrow's. IPCC says "CO2 emissions from aircraft in 1990 account for about 2.4% of the total; they are projected to grow to about 3% or more than 7% of all fossil fuel carbon emissions by 2050". AIR TRAVEL GAINING POPULARITY Air travel is now more popular than any time since 9/11. In March 2007, the Official Airline Guide (OAG, an air travel industry research and publishing organization) reported that the number of flights scheduled in October 2007 is 3% higher than in the same month last year. ...the highest October figure for more than five years."
That said, air travel is still far from the most popular choice for long-distance travel. According to the most recent (2001) BTS data, 90% of long-distance trips are by personal vehicle, and only 7% are by air. However, nearly 75% of long-distance round trips over 2,000 miles were made by airplane. US EPA data indicate that the air travel business (commercial and military) might be reining in its emissions: "In contrast to other transportation sources, aircraft saw only a modest (4%) increase in GHG emissions between 1990 and 2005, despite a substantial rise in passenger miles traveled. The small increase reflected a large decline in emissions from military aircraft (50%) and a 16% increase in emissions from commercial aircraft. Greenhouse gas emissions from commercial aircraft rose 21% between 1990 and 2000, but then declined in 2001, 2002 and 2003, due largely to a decrease in air travel following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks."
Mainly from burning jet fuel and emitting carbon dioxide. But air travel also disturbs the chemistry and physics of the upper atmosphere in other ways. According to the IPCC, "Aircraft ...change background levels of trace gases and particles and by forming condensation trails (contrails). Aircraft emissions include greenhouse gases such as CO2 and H2O that trap terrestrial radiation and chemically active gases that alter natural greenhouse gases, such as O3 and CH4. Particles may directly interact with the Earth's radiation balance or influence the formation and radiative properties of clouds. ...A causal chain whereby the direct emissions of aircraft accumulate in the atmosphere, change the chemistry and the microphysics, and alter radiatively active substances in the atmosphere, which change radiative forcing and hence the climate". And of course, commercial and military air travel operations involve more than just airplanes. When you factor into air travel's carbon footprint emissions from energy use at airports and other plane-related facilities; air freight (especially overnight delivery services); vehicles for ground support and maintenance; and the energy required to manufacture, transport, and store jet fuel, the picture can change substantially. More context from the Federal Aviation Administration:
To a large extent, this is a business story. In recent years jet fuel costs have been rising sharply, giving airlines and airplane manufacturers considerable motivation to improve fuel efficiency. For most commercial airlines, fuel comprises up to 30% of total operating costs - a threefold growth in five years, according to industry analyst Jeff Siegel. The main strategies to cut CO2 emissions from air travel are:
MAKING AIR TRAVEL A LOCAL STORY The logical place to start is to get familiar with air travel trends for the closest major airport. BTS offers a variety of statistics on most major US airports. Generally, departure-related figures are more relevant to the travel habits of area residents and businesses. What are the most popular routes departing from your local airport, and what kinds of planes tend to be used on those routes?
A fun story can be profiling the carbon footprint of local individuals or businesses with and without air travel factored in. If there are a lot of self-employed consultants, frequent business travelers, migrating students, or people working for "virtual companies" in your area, the contribution of air travel to their carbon footprint can be quite striking. |