"Two academic studies exploring health and water issues in the gas drilling industry on Wednesday painted very different pictures of its potential impact and brought rebukes from advocates on both sides.
A Yale University survey supported by environmental groups including The Heinz Endowments found increased reporting of certain health issues by people who live within a kilometer of working wells in Washington County.
A Penn State University study funded by industry groups found that fracking water that remains deep underground after a well is finished will stay trapped in shale, far away from groundwater supplies."
David Conti reports for the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review September 10, 2014.
"Yale Study Cites Health Risks for Those Living Near Shale Gas Wells" (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)
"People Near 'Fracking' Wells Report Health Woes" (USA TODAY)
"Residents Living Nearer Natural Gas Wells Report More Health Symptoms, Yale Study Says" (Cleveland Plain Dealter)