"Semafor's Infuriating Climate Misinformation"

"Ben Smith's news outlet promised to be "something new," but it's spreading tired fossil fuel industry propaganda just like the rest."

"I was hopeful that Ben Smith, the editor-in-chief of the new global media startup Semafor, might speak to HEATED about the misleading Chevron ad atop the site’s debut climate newsletter on Monday.

Smith has, after all, repeatedly claimed that Semafor’s purpose is to restore eroding public trust in journalism. In the site’s introductory post, he wrote, “We’ve been listening to readers and viewers who feel overwhelmed and unsure of what to trust among the sprawl of current news outlets—and eager for something new.”

So I figured Smith would consider it a priority to answer for climate misinformation on Semafor—particularly, misinformation that Semafor is making money from spreading to its readers.

But when I contacted Smith on Monday night to ask for a conversation about the site’s Chevron sponsorship, he declined, and directed me to a Semafor spokesperson. I sent a detailed request to said Semafor spokesperson on Tuesday morning about the sponsorship, and received no response by this newsletter’s publication on Wednesday afternoon."

Emily Atkin reports for HEATED October 26, 2022.


"Long-Awaited Climate Newsletter Launches With Chevron Sponsorship" (Earther)

Source: HEATED, 10/27/2022