"Pope Forced To Pull Out Of COP28 Trip Because Of Health Issues"

"VATICAN CITY - Pope Francis has cancelled his planned trip to the COP28 climate meeting in Dubai because of the effects of influenza and lung inflammation, the Vatican said on Tuesday, adding to concerns about his health.

The pope, who is 86, was due to begin a three-day visit to Dubai on Friday and the Vatican had said earlier on Tuesday that he was going ahead with the trip.

"Although the Holy Father's general clinical condition has improved with regard to the flu and inflammation of the respiratory tract, doctors have asked the pope not to make the trip planned for the coming days to Dubai," the Vatican said.

The pope had agreed not to travel "with great regret," it added, saying that it would look into ways that the leader of the world's Roman Catholics could contribute to the discussions remotely."

Philip Pullella reports for Reuters November 28, 2023.


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Source: Reuters, 11/29/2023