"A landmark study will include some evidence that those who regularly hold long conversations on handsets are at increased risk of developing potentially fatal brain tumours.
Its findings may lead the Government to update its health advice on the safety of mobile phones, which has remained unchanged for four years despite increased usage in Britain particularly among children.
But the scientists in 13 countries who contributed to the decade-long, £15 million Interphone project are likely to face criticism that despite the time and expense involved in their work, the data obtained are inconclusive and susceptible to error.
The study was started by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), an agency of the UN's World Health Organisation, in 1998 to investigate whether exposure to mobile phones is linked to the development of three types of brain tumour."
The London Telegraph had the story May 15, 2010.
See Also:
"Interphone's Data on Cell Phones and Cancer: The Spin Begins" (Science News)
"Landmark Study Set To Show Potential Dangers of Heavy Mobile Phone Use"
Source: London Telegraph, 05/17/2010