"Here’s What the Court’s Chevron Ruling Could Mean in Everyday Terms"

"The decision is expected to prompt a rush of litigation challenging regulations across the entire federal government, from food safety to the environment."

"The Supreme Court’s decision on Friday to limit the broad regulatory authority of federal agencies could lead to the elimination or weakening of thousands of rules on the environment, health care, worker protection, food and drug safety, telecommunications, the financial sector and more.

The decision is a major victory in a decades-long campaign by conservative activists to shrink the power of the federal government, limiting the reach and authority of what those activists call “the administrative state.”

The court’s opinion could make it easier for opponents of federal regulations to challenge them in court, prompting a rush of new litigation, while also injecting uncertainty into businesses and industries.

“If Americans are worried about their drinking water, their health, their retirement account, discrimination on the job, if they fly on a plane, drive a car, if they go outside and breathe the air — all of these day-to-day activities are run through a massive universe of federal agency regulations,” said Lisa Heinzerling, an expert in administrative law at Georgetown University. “And this decision now means that more of those regulations could be struck down by the courts.”"

Coral Davenport, Christina Jewett, Alan Rappeport, Margot Sanger-Katz, Noam Scheiber and Noah Weiland report for the New York Times June 28, 2024.


"Justices Limit Power of Federal Agencies, Imperiling an Array of Regulations" (New York Times)

"A String of Supreme Court Decisions Hits Hard at Environmental Rules" (New York Times)

"Supreme Court Strikes Down Chevron, Curtailing Power Of Federal Agencies" (SCOTUSblog)

"Supreme Court Overturns Chevron Doctrine: What it Means for Climate Change Policy" (Inside Climate)

"What It Means For The Supreme Court To Throw Out Chevron Decision, Undercutting Federal Regulators" (AP)

"How The Supreme Court’s Blockbuster ‘Chevron’ Ruling Puts Countless Regulations In Jeopardy" (CNN)

"What The Supreme Court Chevron Decision Means For Environmental Rules" (Washington Post)

Source: NYTimes, 07/01/2024