"Greenpeace, Crypto Billionaire Lobby to Change Bitcoin Code"

"Bitcoin is about to face a fresh onslaught over its damaging environmental footprint.

Several climate activist groups including Greenpeace and crypto billionaire Chris Larsen are launching a “Change the Code, Not the Climate” campaign, designed to pressure the Bitcoin community to alter the way it orders transactions that already consumes as much power as Sweden. In five years Bitcoin may consume as much power as Japan, Larsen said in an interview.

The marketing campaign will purchase advertisements in main publications over the subsequent month. Greenpeace, Environmental Working Group and a few native activist teams battling bitcoin miners are additionally mobilising their hundreds of thousands of members for grassroots efforts.

The marketing campaign has already reached out to a dozen key folks and companies, a few of them concerned in bitcoin and but pledging Environmental, Social and Governance, or ESG, compliance, in accordance to Michael Brune, who’s answerable for the marketing campaign."

Olga Kharif reports for Bloomberg Green March 28, 2022.


Source: Bloomberg Green, 03/30/2022